The definition of 'semiotics' is:
1. The study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behavior; the analysis of systems of communication as language, gestures, or clothing.
2. A general theory of signs and symbolism, usually divided into the branches of pragmatics, semantics, and syntactics.
There are three key elements of Semiotics. These are signs, signifier (the form in which the sign takes) and signified (the concept it represents).
As individuals we are driven by a desire to create meanings. We make meanings through out creation and through the interpretation of 'signs.' Sine wiykd argue that the reason for this is that we are Homo Significans (meaning- makers). According to Peirce, 'we think only in sighns' (Peirce 1931- 58, 2. 302). Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, odours, flavours, acts or objects, but such things have no actually meaning and they become signs only when we create them with meanings. 'Nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign.' (Peirce 1931-58, 2. 172).
Types of signs:
Icon- Resembles
Index- Is caused by
Smbol- Arbtrary (learnt) relationships
Order of signs:
Noise- Miscommunication or interference with message
Many of the signs we used to communicate arbitrary.
They have to be learned with the conventions of the language which they are embedded.
Once learnt, teh meanings conveyed by signs may appear wholly natural.
Messages are always through a medium:-
Presentational (voice, face, hands)
Representational (painting, books, photographs, drawings)
An example of semiotics withing photography is an image by Jenny Holzer.
This ia an image by Jenny Holzer. It is called 'City Poem 14'- London 2006. She had light projected a poem onto London City Hall. In my opinion she captures images of society and their issues wich are internal and she makes them public. This image captures the audience attension because of the lighting. My response to this photograph is that the meaning for why she has chosen London City Hall is because the building itself has a political background. Through the words of the poem I can see that it has something to do with war because of the words and phreases such as 'bullets'; and 'stopped in mid- flight.' This image uses the combination of light art, cityscape and poetry.
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